In total seriousness, if we count EVERYONE, we will be fine. And I mean IF WE COUNT UNDOCUMENTED MN RESIDENTS TOO. I am getting counted. I am making everyone know that they need to get counted. There has been little work around this, but I never shot my mouth, so people I come in contact are hearing it from me. My family is getting counted for sure. Supposedly adding 7,000 people in the state could make the diference between having seven or eight seats." Ummm, we got it covered. There are enough undocumented people who haven't been counted yet.
MN Congressional peeps, we undocumented people of MN got your back. We will get counted, save one of you your job and hopefully you keep us in mind when they make decisions concerning our future. People want us to get counted, look at this headline: Census 2010: Undocumented immigrants are urged to stand up and be counted.
Minnesota undocumented people to the rescue of MN congressional districts!
Need info, go here.
The Honorable Puck Fawlenty
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